25 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
South Whidbey reacts to gulf war
“More than 60 local residents marched in Langley on Saturday afternoon to protest the war in the Persian Gulf, citing the need for a diplomatic solution to end the crisis. Langleyite Marj Dente, who started the protest alone in October, said she is ‘humbled by people’s response’ to her actions. She said over the weeks the number of people with picket signs has multiplied as concerned citizens take to the streets in an attempt to show their objection to United States policy in the Middle East.”
15 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Freeland signal still 2 weeks from lighting up
“Though continuing work on a new signal at the intersection of Highway 525, Fish Road and Main Street in Freeland may seem to be making driving there more confusing, officials from the state Department of Transportation are promising a working set of traffic lights within two weeks. This week, an electrical contractor from Bellingham hooked up power to the traffic lights installed at the intersection six weeks ago.