A group of seven volunteers met on the morning of March 16 for a work party at the Whidbey Camano Land Trust’s newest trail segment.
Located alongside Engle Road at the Admiralty Inlet Preserve, the trail is just north of Camp Casey. The volunteers were tasked with helping clean up the new trail, which was completed last year, as weeds have begun to creep onto the gravel pathway.
After just three hours of work, the work crew had cleaned up 1.2 miles of pathway that bordered restored prairie and old-growth forest.
The trail is open to hikers and joggers and is the first section of a large trail network that is part of the land trust’s “Walking Ebey’s” initiative.
For those who enjoy volunteering outdoors, the land trust will host several additional work parties in April in celebration of Whidbey’s Earth and Ocean Month. The work parties are scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon April 15, 22, and 27. Snacks, drinks, and tools are provided.
Volunteers are asked to bring a pair of work gloves. For details, email kyle@wclt.org or call 360-222-3310.