Whidbey churches announce topics for Sunday services

Local churches have announced the topics for this Sunday.

Clinton Aglow Lighthouse welcomes guest speaker

Clinton Aglow Lighthouse will have as its special speaker Marc Buchheit of Shelton at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 11.

Buchheit is the Northwest Regional Director of the International Association of Healing Rooms Ministries. His topic will be “Fresh Healing, Prophetic Touch of the Holy Spirit.”

Men and women are invited; the event is in Room 101 (the old sanctuary), at South Whidbey Assembly of God Church.

UUCWI service considers causes of overpopulation

As we continue to reflect on Earth Day issues, it is important to look at the root causes of our planet’s distress.

Rev. Kit Ketcham, of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Freeland, will consider one of the most significant: over-population caused by lack of information about, and access to, contraception coupled with the reluctance of some religious faiths to encourage use of birth control. (Due to an emergency, this sermon was rescheduled from two weeks ago.)

The service starts at 10 a.m. All are welcome. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided. Check www.whidbey.com/uucwi for details.

Sunday’s sermon looks at divine feminine energy

Joanna Gabriel will lead the Unity service at Bayview Community Hall on Sunday.

Her talk title will be “Mamma Mia and the Divine Feminine.” After a look at myths handed down through time about the feminine, the service will center on how we can empower ourselves today with new awareness of the divine feminine energy within us all. Since this will be Mother’s Day, the topic seems right in line with the season.

Unity gathers at 10 a.m. Sunday. All are welcome.

Pastor gives sermon in the spirit of Mother’s Day

Pastor Darrell Wenzek will continue his series from the Book of Genesis tomorrow morning at South Whidbey Community Church.

In the spirit of Mother’s Day, his topic will be, “Did Your Mother Teach You to Talk that Way?” which fits nicely with his text, Genesis 11:1-9: the Biblical narrative concerning the Tower of Babel.

The Sunday worship is 10 a.m. Two adult learning forums begin at 9 a.m.; a study of the Book of Acts, led by Stan Walker, and Ken Goff teaching from the Old Testament book of 1st Samuel. Midweek Bible studies continue on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. in the Gospel of Luke, led by Art Angst at Rick and Dinah Zapata’s home.

Thursday nights at 7 p.m., Walker will lead a study on “The Truth Project,” a DVD series produced by Focus on the Family, at his home in Freeland.

For more information, visit www.swcchurch.wordpress.com/.