Diane Vaughan, a proud South Whidbey resident for 28 years, passed away suddenly, yet peacefully, last Thursday, Jan. 3. Our South Whidbey community, as well as our family, have suffered a tragic loss.
A celebration of life, love and devotion to all who knew her will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 13 at Freeland Hall.
Born on the Fourth of July, 1945 in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Diane graduated from nursing school at St. Vincent Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on her 18th birthday in 1963.
Among the multitudinous joys which Diane shared with her family, friends and loved ones were gardening, cooking and entertaining.
Diane opened her heart and her home to provide comfort for anyone who needed it. Just last month, after feeding and entertaining her family on Christmas Eve, Diane, ever the hospitality hostess, was back at it Christmas morning to feed a wonderful meal to many of her Freeland neighbors who were without family on this special day.
For three years, from 1992-1994, Diane was the founder and primary caregiver for several residents at the Day Mar House, an adult family home in Freeland. As a nurse and caregiver, Diane gave of herself to care for the elderly and others unable to care for themselves. Diane’s smiling face, her gentle words of encouragement and her unyielding passion for helping others were as magical and marvelous as she always was.
Vibrant, enthusiastic and loyal, Diane was everyone’s best cheerleader and supporter. Diane was the caregiver’s care giver, respected and loved by all who knew her.
Please join with us in sharing your stories and love for Diane Vaughan this Sunday. Hear how Diane’s smile and education as a nurse helped get her Canadian family across the border when they moved to Whidbey years ago. Hear fun stories from some of the more than 200 friends and family who honored her with holiday greeting cards. Hear the story about how Diane fed Moses (aka Charlton Heston) backstage at the Admiral Theatre in Bremerton. We invite you to come share your special memories as well.
Diane is survived by her daughter Trish of Everett, son Jeff of Shoreline, granddaughters Gwynne and Shannon and her loving grandsons Ian and Adrian. Diane’s husband for 35 years, Edgar Vaughan, also survives.
There are not words to describe the enormity of love and pride that Diane had for her family. So kind, so giving, so nurturing she was.
We have lost our greatest fan and number one cheerleader.
Please feel free to share some time with Diane’s family and friends this Sunday. Bring a story, bring a dish, bring a lily or just bring yourself. If you are unable to attend, Diane’s family has asked that if you are so inclined that you make a donation in her memory to Senior Services of Island County, 14594 SR 525 Langley, WA 98260, 360-321-1600.
God bless you, Diane and we thank God for blessing us all with you.