LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Not much went into finding artist

I have to weigh in on the issue of the Park/Talman sculpture being demolished by the hospital. Mikal, the spelling he preferred, and I were very good friends since 1975. I couldn’t agree more with Bill Skubi’s description of him in the June 29 issue of the Whidbey News-Times.


I have to weigh in on the issue of the Park/Talman sculpture being demolished by the hospital. Mikal, the spelling he preferred, and I were very good friends since 1975.

I couldn’t agree more with Bill Skubi’s description of him in the June 29 issue of the Whidbey News-Times.

I am heartbroken that no consideration was given to him or to us before destroying his work.

It was reported that hospital spokesman Keith Mack attempted to locate Michael or his family to no avail. Keith didn’t try very hard. Mikal’s cousin, John Carr, lives in Coupeville. His two daughters live in Portland, but come to Coupeville at least once a year. Mikal’s family of friends still live here, and at least one of those friends would have had the sculpture moved in order to save it.

The sculptor, Charles Talman, lives in LaConner and is listed in the phone book.

It’s ironic that given the importance of history and art to our town, that a sculpture that was registered with the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Save Outdoor Sculpture program, deserved no more value than to be bulldozed to make room for the new sign.

I write as an avid supporter of our hospital. I worked on the committee who raised the $5 million for the new hospital wing. I was active in the election of Georgia Gardner to the board. I believed we were heading toward a culture of transparency.

I am sorely disappointed.

